inspiration: A Modern Nursery

It's literally impossible NOT to be inspired by Cotton & Quill AND Zak + Fox.  Each are pioneers in the textile industry, yet on completely OPPOSITE ends of the spectrum. Cotton & Quill takes Southern Prep to an entirely different level; while Zak + Fox creates cutting edge textiles that are in a realm of their own.

When creating this abstract, I wanted deep/dark variations while encompassing dreamy pastels. While sounding easy, a balance between the two poses a delicate challenge.  Upon finishing this abstract, I was BEYOND pleased with how the 'dark' and 'dreamy' complimented each other creating a soft - grittiness that would essentially compliment the amazing textiles created by Cotton & Quill and Zak + Fox. -LANA


Cotton & Quill Elsie Pillow

Zak + Fox Frog's Feet

Lana Harmon Studio 36 x 36 Mixed Media

(no longer available)


Lana Hopper Harmon